Ottima applicazione, assistenza al top.
Mi piace la semplicità di questa applicazione ed apprezzo l’essenzialità del design.
Dopo sei mesi di utilizzo di Clear solo su iPhone ho acquistato l’intera suite: Clear per MacOSX e Clear+ per iPad e iPhone.
Appena installato ho avuto problemi di sincronizzazione tra l’iPad e gli altri devices ma con una mail al supporto, in meno di un’ora ho risolto il problema.
Penso che a breve ci sarà una nuova FAQ, nel frattempo riporto quanto mi è stato detto di fare:
The advanced menu hasnt been integrated in that new iPad version just yet, so if you are using that, start doing these steps up to d then do those below.
Until it becomes available, here is a work around that should work: a. disable iCloud sync on the app, in the settings of Clear for iOS 7. b. on your iPads Settings. Under iCloud > Storage & Backup > Manage Storage, make sure that Clear doesnt appear. If it does, please delete it. c. delete Clear from your iPad. d. turn off your iPad e. turn it back on f. reinstall Clear
1. Enable the Advanced menu in Clear
• iOS: Open Clear → Move to top level → Shake the device twice → "Advanced" level should appear → Tap “Advanced” → Tap “iCloud Wipe” → Tap “Wipe iCloud Data” → Tap “Remove iCloud Data”
• OS X: Open Clear → About Clear (found under Clear menu bar item) → Type "debug" (without quotes) → "Advanced" menu will appear under Clear menu bar item → Click on Clear → Advanced → Wipe → "Wipe iCloud Data" → "Remove iCloud Data”
2. Once each device has been wiped (wiping turns off iCloud in the app automatically), force-quit (iOS) or quit the app (OS X).
3. “Delete All” data from the iCloud pref pane (if Clear is shown)
• iOS: Settings → iCloud → Storage & Backup → Manage Storage → Clear → Edit → Delete All
• OS X: System Preferences → iCloud → Manage → Clear → Delete All
4. Reboot each device
5. Re-enable iCloud in Clear on each device
• iOS: Open Clear → Menu → Settings → iCloud
• OS X: Open Clear → Preferences → iCloud
gekokeg about
Clear – Tasks, Reminders & To-Do Lists, v1.0.3